The Inspiring Life of My Best Friend ‘Advik’


Anil Kr. Shaw

Research Assistant at IIT Hyderabad || Working on Physical Layer of 5G-NR at IIT Hyderabad

This is the story of my best friend ‘Advik’. Since childhood, he has never been loved and cared from his parents. He’s so passionate about achieving his goal and committed to his work, very intelligent and you can say a philanderer to him but at the deep down of his life he is not happy with the things going on with him and he has no control over it, what he can do is only pray to the Lord for that.

One incident changed him totally when he fell for a girl in one the most prestigious college in India IIT and fail to earn her or better to say fail to win on Love. His mind blown out and started asking why everything happening to him why he didn’t have a good childhood memory why he’s having a terrible family why… why..??. He lost faith in every people, every friend because his friends were real snake sleeve(Aasteen Ka Saanp) and finally once thought of leaving his body by attempting suicide because he started to think that nothing good happening to his life but one best lady friend of him and Myself console him and make him understand like family friend and because of that only his mentality changed and started to accept the things.

“We have to understand one thing in life running away from the problem doesn’t fetch us anything, so option left is fight with it and conquer it.”

Always remember “If things are not going according to you then it’s going according to someone else better to say the supreme personality of godhead ‘Lord Krishna’.”

Advik is a very charming and self-motivated person. He always says that everyone is in the rat race and it’s good to be in the race so do he is in that but the race from whom, towards where it varies from a person to person. And He thinks his race is from a bad past towards a better future not from a particular thing or a particular person.
A person should always compare himself/herself from own past not from others’ past or others’ life. That’s the only way to grow.”

Advik is a pure follower or you can say he is having pure devotion to the creator of the world ‘Lord Krishna’. He doesn’t believe anyone except himself and lord because he had a terrible experience of believing in someone. Advik always says If you believe in someone then you are making him in charge of your life and they can play with you in the way they want which is not bearable at all. That’s the philosophy he follows to lead his life. But towards the lord ‘Advik’ is having blind believe and he knows, whatever happens, happens for a good cause and without Lord’s will nothing is going to happen.

Advik understood in life that nothing is good and nothing is bad in life everything is situational and we have to act according to that. He thinks a person says bad things/bad situations if the things/situations are not going to according to his/her will they don’t understand most of the time they can’t put the situation to go or work on his/her accord. Sometimes what we can do is accept the things/fact and learn the thing, it may be the case that it’s happening beyond our intelligence or someone else according. That’s the one of his philosophy of leading life.

Now, let me tell you about the childhood story of ‘Advik’.
He was born to a mediocre family. At a very young age around when he was 3 to 4 years old, he lost his mother as she couldn’t able to bear the labor pain of third childbirth. All of a sudden very chaos and downcast spread in his family everyone broke out from inside his father, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, maternal uncle almost every relative. Nobody knows what has happened and what to do next. Advik’s father at that time very drunkard he drunk like anything after the death of his wife he left alone and started to drink more and more without thinking about his children, apart from that his father was a businessman better to say a grocery shop owner and the only thing he learned from life was how to earn money because somehow he understood that money matters a lot in life and he had seen the things without money and all. He didn’t care about relatives and relation with another person, the only thing was left in his mind he had to earn money and make property too much and be the king of that property so what he did, does and will be doing in the future too.

Advik’s maternal and paternal grandmother thought if somehow Advik’s father gets ready for second marriage then the life of every child will somewhat good and they together could see a better future. But who knows what’s the plan of God and what’s his will. Everyone does the thing by thinking the good results they never think of another side of the coin of bringing a stepmother.

And finally, the day came Advik’s younger Aunt(Mom’s younger sister) somehow they(Relatives)managed to convince her that she will be going to marry to Advik’s father even if she wasn’t ready for that as she was studying the 7th standard at that time(Relative didn’t think about life of the bride they only saw the property of groom and the income). And finally, a day came when Advik’s stepmother got to know about her drunkard husband and his rude behavior and had a great fight among each other. At that time she was pregnant with a baby girl and thought better to leave for her mother’s home for some days and that’s what she did.

Advik’s father enters the house every day with full-on mood to shout, to beat to own child. That’s what alcohol does make someone out of their senses. One day Advik got angry with fathers because of his rude behavior towards his child and boldly told his father a drunkard who doesn’t care about anyone. His father started to shout he drinks of his money nobody has guts to say that and all bullshit he started to puke.

Such a terrible life of every child of this family had been, Advik’s stepmother most of the time blast her husband’s anger on every child. For small and tiny mistakes she would beat like washerman washes clothes every day. Most of the time Advik thought why there’s Saturday and Sunday why holiday even come because Advik didn’t want to live in the house anymore. His mind was filled with parents quarrel, abuses and mothers beating and all.

Advik’s stepmother already decided that she will not be back home as her husband is a total dramatic person and do the bullshit around her.
One day, some intelligence come to the father of Advik because of the grace of ‘Hardev Baba‘ and decided to give up on drinking and get settled for family life and finally decided to bring his wife from in-laws home. She agreed after seeing small little children cry and sad faces and then Advik started to live with his sister(Stepsister) and two brothers, one brother was older to Advik and another one younger. After a few days, Advik stepmom gave birth to a small baby boy. Now Advik was leaving with three brothers and one sister and this was the final family member of Advik comprise of. One thing Advik decided only thing left his hand was hard work to bring the changes to the family and started to work on himself, day and night hard study sleepless night with night bulb study so that parents couldn’t understand. The day came when Advik topped in school(A local govt. school) in 12th standard and all the relatives and the teacher congratulate him with great success ahead.

Now the total family responsibility loaded on his(Advik) head people started to expect a lot from him. Advik finally decided to go for engineering and started to prepare for IITJEE and AIEEE and WBJEE and moved to Kota(one of his best teachers advice him)for one year now the real-life of Advik started.

Advik thought he’ll do the hard work over there and prove himself by qualifying the competitive exams. He finally joined Bansal classes Pvt.Ltd. in the batch where the syllabus was one month ahead, that’s he joined one-month late to that batch. Now, Advik started to suffer because he was unable to catch the class. Every day he went to class like a robot and came back like a robot to his hostel, first time he started to feel like a failure and started to cry like a small milk-fed child and decided to quit but his maternal uncle was very understanding and supportive he started to convince Advik that nothing gonna happen just believe in yourself and push the limit.

Bansal classes at that time was going to start AIEEE batch and Advik thought it’s a better opportunity to start from the scratch and that’s what he did, he moved his batch to IITJEE to AIEEE division and started from the scratch. In the end, he cracked AIEEE and WBJEE and secured a good All India Rank. Advik finally joined B.Tech at the National Institute of Technology(One of the prestige colleges in India). And now Advik is doing his Masters in IIT and I hope he’ll achieve more and great things in his life.

My point in writing his story is that everybody faces the problem in life and we don’t have control over it. We have to understand that the problem is the only thing makes us find the solution and it can be a new and better solution which can help another person too. Instead of giving up we have to learn how to fight like ‘Advit’ and come over it. Always remember the Darvin theory survival of the fittest.

Once Swami Vivekananda said: “The biggest sin a person does by thinking himself/herself very weak and small. Never be weaken always stand strong because you have infinite strength within you”.

And last but not the least “Nobody can help you out until and unless you don’t start to help yourself out.”

-Anil Kr. Shaw



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